
Season 4 of “Orange is the New Black” does not disappoint

I admit I was skeptical going into Season 4 of Orange is the New Black. Season 3 wasn’t my favorite, and I was nervous that the addition of a bunch of new characters was going to overrun the series with too many faces and not enough focus. Instead, I was happily relieved and yet again addicted to the first six episodes made available on the Netflix press site.

Part of my worry was the show could pull away from its queer themes, but in fact, quite the opposite happens in that they’re expanded upon, as are many other important plotlines and character issues related to race, sexual assault, class and power struggles.

Without spoiling much, here are a few things that you’ll be psyched to know about Season 4, which debuts at midnight on Netflix.

Piper tries to maintain a mystique to have the new inmates nervous about crossing her. That includes hiring her new bunkmate to be her bodyguard.

Pipex fans will be happy to see the exes interacting, but things are still tense after Stellagate.

Alex spends a lot of time with Lolly this season, and it’s not necessarily a good thing. Alex is keeping tabs on her for good reason.

We learn more about Soso, including her motivations for how she behaves. Her relationship with Poussey is sweet, but it’s not all smooth sailing. Still, their romance is a true highlight of this season.

After the inmates go swimming in the lake, Suzanne finds that she and Maureen see things a little differently.

There’s a lot more of Diane Guerrero this time around, and she has some hilarious moments both inside Litchfield and in her history. Finally!

This photo gives you a hint, but let’s just say she has some new access that affords her some insight into the outside world.

Prepare yourselves for a new kind of sex scene. Yael Stone slays.

In some of the saddest scenes of the season, Sophia is still locked away. A familiar face shows up and tries to give her some help.

The new Martha Stewart-esque figure gets special treatment because she’s famous, but the other inmates benefit from her being there so they don’t much mind.

With the new Dominican inmates coming in and utilizing their power in numbers, other groups are gathering in solidarity with themselves. Trouble is brewing.

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